HCG Weight Loss

Smiling woman of hcg weight loss holding old oversized pants

HCG Weight Loss?

So you’ve heard about hCG weight loss and you’re doing your research to see if it’s right for you? 

It can happen quickly, but you can make it easier and keep the weight off longer by educating yourself.

  • hCG weight loss…why?
  • Development of the hCG Diet
  • The World Finds Out
  • “Pounds and Inches”
  • Worldwide Popularity
  • HCG Weight Loss in The USA
  • HCG Weight Loss in 2023

And please do yourself a favor if you’re thinking of trying the hCG diet…read everything you can on this website! You’ll be glad you did when you see YOUR results!

HCG Weight Loss...why?

Well…the simple answer would be because it works!

But you want the long answer with plenty of information, so here goes!

And please use the links found on this page to take you to more specific information on our site.

There’s a history of hCG used in weight loss that dates back to about 1931 when Dr. Albert Simeons first pioneered its use.

He was working in an impoverished area of India at the time. He was wondering how starving pregnant women were able to give birth to healthy, full term, full weight babies.

It was then he discovered hCG, a hormone produced by the pregnant women. HCG helps thicken the lining of the uterus which promotes a healthy pregnancy.

It also triggers the hypothalamus to release the body’s fat stores (adipose fat) which the body uses a source of fuel. Between 2,000-3,000 calories each day can be realized through this process!

Dr. Simeons figured out how to isolate hCG.

He was also working with obese adolescent boys with testosterone issues.

HCG is also produced in males. HCG stimulates the production of testosterone in males which is important in turning boys into men, to put it simply!

So he began injecting hCG into the boys to help them produce more testosterone.

And noticed they started dropping weight!

It was then that hCG for weight loss was born!

Development of The HCG Diet

During the 190’ and 1940’s, Dr. Simeons continued using hCG in his diet research.

In 1949, Dr. Simeons moved to Rome, Italy and opened a clinic.

The rich and famous learned of this diet and came to his clinic in Rome to be treated.

Royalty followed along this path as well.

During those times, hCG was becoming commercially available, but few knew of its effects as a weight loss aid.

People had to go to his clinic, stay at the hospital while he treated them and pay for their treatments. So it really was a diet of the rich!

The World Finds Out

Soon, doctors around the world were hearing of this treatment and coming to Rome to learn firsthand from the leading expert.

Doctors would take this knowledge back to their own country and begin treating local patients.

And it made it to Hollywood in the early 1950’s and stars started using it!

There was a lot of controversy and non-believers during this time, but doctors with firsthand experience were seeing the results and benefits in their patients.

So it continued!

"Pounds And Inches"

In the early 1950’s, Dr. Simeons was so inundated with hCG diet information requests from doctors around the world.

This was taking his time away from working with patients, so he decided to write a guide of sorts to distribute to doctors who wanted more information

In 1954, he published “Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity” and it sold like crazy.

We highly encourage anyone thinking of using hCG for weight loss to read this!

In fact we think it should be mandatory! You’ll learn so much!

The more you learn about this diet, and the better you stick to the “rules” created by Dr. Simeons, the better results you’ll see!

You can read it on our website for free on the Pounds and Inches page!

Do it! Please! Regardless of where you buy your hCG from!

Worldwide Popularity

In 1957, hCG for weight loss really gained worldwide attention when Harper’s Bazaar published an article titled Slimming: A Roman Doctor’s Treatment featuring Dr. Simeons diet.

And then it really took off in The United States!

Doctors started opening obesity clinics around the world.

But it was still only affordable by the rich.

Popularity of the hCG diet continued around the world until Dr. Simeons passed away in 1970

HCG Weight Loss in The USA

Around 1973, hCG for weight loss found a resurgence in The USA.

More advertising and competition brought the prices down and it started becoming a bit more main stream.

This lasted until around 1995 when it started to die in popularity. Critics were denouncing its benefits and suggesting that it did nothing at all.

At the same time, there was so much misinformation and control of information by food and drugs companies was growing fast.

Curious about that control in this era? Look at the food charts put out by both USA and Canadian departments of health and you’ll see! For example, sugar laden cereals are promoted as a healthy breakfast!

In April of 2007, popularity sky rocketed again when Kevin Trudeau published his book “The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t want You To Know About.”

It became a best seller on numerous lists and soon Mr. Trudeau was on every popular television talk show in the USA.

Even Dr. Oz featured it on one of his shows, promoting how well hCG for weight loss works!

Suddenly, websites started popping up all over the internet selling hCG injections.

Entrepreneurs looking for a quick buck didn’t have access to pharmacy hCG so they started “creating” and promoting hCG drops.

Then sellers started taking advantage of the “homeopathic” movement and labeled their drops as such.

Most the hCG drops had zero hCG in them!

The Federal Trade Commission in the USA stared investigating consumer complaints. Customers were buying fake and counterfeit hCG and hCG drops.

Sellers where making unsubstantiated claims about their products and eventually, The FDA and The FTC, closed numerous websites and businesses down.

But that hasn’t stopped legitimate businesses from selling real hCG.

HCG Weight Loss in 2023

It’s now 92 years since the benefits of hCG for weight loss were discovered!

No other diets have lasted this long. Most were fads that just faded away.

Or overpriced gimmicks that did nothing.

It’s a diet that works, but it’s not at all a miracle!

It requires effort and it requires discipline!

If you’d like some free advice on how to make it work for you, read everything you can on our site.

Read our Pounds and Inches page and read our HCG Diet Tips and Tricks page!

You’ll be so glad you did!

And if you ever have any questions about hCG for weight loss, contact us and we’ll be happy to help!

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