About Us

image of 3 pharmacists who work for thechcgdiet.ca
Mail Order Rx Experts since 1999!

Learn all about us here at Thehcgdiet.ca; a website that sells hCG products online to Canadian and United States residents.

The website is owned and operated by Canadian Prescription Savers Ltd, and its headquarters are in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Canadian Prescription Savers was started in 1999 to help provide lower cost prescription medications for USA senior citizens.

Prescriptions medications were filled and shipped from our Vancouver based pharmacies. With growing demand for lower priced Canadian medications, we started working with affiliate pharmacies in Calgary AB and Winnipeg MB.

We soon started sourcing even cheaper meds from Great Britain, Australia, India, Turkey, Greece and Israel to give our customers even more options for lower prices!

Pioneers in Mail Order Pharmacy

As pioneers in the International Pharmacy business, we’ve seen a lot of changes over the last 23 years!

For years, we were considered “outlaws” of sorts by The USFDA for providing affordable medications to USA seniors citizens. 

These are people that can’t afford the insanely high cost of drugs in their own country! 

Have a look at the prices in our old advertisement you see on the right. The quantities shown would be a typical  month supply. These were some of the more common drugs that were purchased by our customers in 1999.

Between 1988 and 2010, the average number of prescription medications taken by adults 65 years of age or older, doubled from 2 a day to 4!

And furthermore, seniors taking 5 or more rx’s each day TRIPLED from 12.8 % to 39%! 

If you’d like, you can read that study here!

Since we opened our doors, we’ve saved seniors millions of dollars!

Here’s another very sad example.

When a cure for Hepatitis C came out in October of 2014, each pill cost around $1,125 USD! Patients were doing a 12 week treatment at a cost of…get this…$94,500 for 84 pills!

We started www.helpforhepc.com and found our customers generic versions of the same drug for under $800 for 84 pills!

Image of our National Enquirer Add from 1999
1999 Advertisement in The National Enquirer

About Us Fulfilling HCG Orders

In 2005, we were approached by the owners of a chain of weight loss clinics promoting the hcg diet through out the USA. We then began supplying hCG to more clinics as the years went on.

Soon, as word got out, we had website owners asking us to provide and ship hCG directly to their customers.

We started seeing these clinics and websites making extremely false claims and not providing any real customer service to their clients.

As our name and contact information was on the hCG we shipped, customers started calling us for help.

In May of 2010, we’d had enough of working with these other companies and started our own websites to sell hCG.

We do offer some “coaching” and information, but our main goal has always been to provide authentic hCG and supplies to those wanting to try the hCG diet.

Thehcgdiet.ca always provides USA made hCG and, at times, we’ll bring in slightly cheaper products from offshore.  We always publish where our product is from so you’ll always know what your getting!

Hopefully you’ve learned enough about us to earn your trust and we hope to look after your needs soon! 

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